Neko vore mountain anatomy

When you disturb the sleep of a Neko during digestion,
it’s probably your lucky day if she wants to be stroked.

But when tomorrow she will be hungry again, you will probably give her a massage from inside her stomach… If you thought you could tame this one without giving her food regularly, you’re out of luck.

The wild rock Neko is a rare and very dangerous species.
It feeds on human, and if only one succeeded in taming one, it is the sad and famous criminal
Givemeat ;
he used to suppress this victim by pushing them into the den of a Neko…

With time this one ended up tolerating Givemeat, and he tamed her to bring her back to his place to accomplish other crimes, until the day Givmeat stopped his crimes.

To feed his Neko, he made the worst mistake of his life, he gave her
something other than a victim.
She didn’t swallow it, but the Neko made him understand in a definitive way;
She simply severed his carotid artery… the forensics saw the blood trail, and found that the Neko simply walked behind Givmeat, who bled to death, into the street…

She just reminded this monster, who is the boss…

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